2018 : US trade in goods with China

From January 2018 to July 2018, US exports to China stood at US$74.28 billion. During the same period, the import from China was US$296.83 billion. The trade gap is US$222.5 billion.

All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis:
Month Exports Imports Balance
Jan-18 9,835.30 45,788.00 -35,952.80
Feb-18 9,806.10 39,067.60 -29,261.50
Mar-18 12,382.10 38,256.70 -25,874.60
Apr-18 10,268.00 38,230.00 -27,962.00
May-18 10,610.80 43,797.40 -33,186.60
Jun-18 11,115.60 44,599.50 -33,483.80
Jul-18 10,261.70 47,096.00 -36,834.30
TOTAL 2018 74,279.60 296,835.20 -222,555.60

Source: US census bureau.


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