United States (US) International Trade in Goods and Services with Russia

Total trade in goods and services data for Russia are not available for 2017. Multiple trades sanctions may be the reason.

In 2017, the U.S. direct investment position in Russia (outward) was $13.9 billion, a decrease of 4.4% from 2016. The direct investment position from Russia in the United States (inward) was $4.5 billion, a decrease of 0.7% from 2016.

In 2016, Russia-based majority-owned affiliates of U.S. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) employed 162.10 thousand people, a decrease of 6.0% from 2015; sales were $40.6 billion, down 1.4%. U.S.-based majority-owned affiliates of Russia MNEs sales were $5.9 billion, down 11.3%.


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