Richest Business Families In America (USA)

The Waltons are the wealthiest family in the US who own Wal-Mart. There are other business families in the US whose net-worth is more than $1 billion.

Here is a list of wealthiest business families in the US:

RankNameNet WorthBusinessHeadquarters
1Walton family$130 BWal-MartBentonville, AR
2Koch family$82 BDiversifiedWichita, KS
3Mars family$78 BCandyMcLean, VA
4Cargill-MacMillan family$49 BCargill Inc.Minneapolis, MN
5Cox family$41 BMediaAtlanta, GA
6S.C. Johnson family$30 BCleaning ProductsRacine, WI
7Pritzker family$29 BHotels, InvestmentsChicago, IL
8(Edward) Johnson family$28.5 BMoney ManagementBoston, MA
9Hearst family$28 BHearst Corp.New York, NY
10Duncan family$21.5 BPipelinesHouston, TX
11Newhouse family$18.5 BMagazines, NewspapersNew York, NY
12Lauder family$17.9 BEstee LauderNew York, NY
13Dorrance family$17.1 BCampbell Soup Co.Camden, NJ
14Ziff family$14.4 BPublishingNew York, NY
15Du Pont family$14.3 BDupontWilmington, DE
16Goldman family$13.7 BReal EstateNew York, NY
16Hunt family$13.7 BOilDallas, TX
18Busch family$13.4 BAnheuser-BuschSt. Louis, MO
19Sackler family$13 BPain MedicinesStamford, CT
20Brown family$12.3 BLiquorLouisville, KY
21Marshall family$12 BDiversifiedDallas, TX
22Mellon family$11.5 BBankingPittsburgh, PA
23Butt family$11 BSupermarketsSan Antonio, TX
23Rockefeller family$11 BOilNew York, NY
25Gallo family$10.7 BWine, LiquorModesto, CA


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