Jeff Bezos Net Worth
As of November 16, 2018
Jeffrey Preston Bezos (Jeff Bezos) owns about 16.1% stake in, Inc.
Currently, the market capitalization of, Inc. is $776.7 billion. Jeff Bezos stake in Amazon is about $125 billion.
As of October 29, 2018, Jeff Bezos owns 78,867,876 shares in Amazon. (Latest SEC fillings)
Amazon share price as on November 16, 2018, was $1,589.4.
The value Jeff Bezos stake in Amazon: 78,867,876*$1,589.4= $125.35 Billion
Jeffrey Preston Bezos (Jeff Bezos) owns about 16.1% stake in, Inc.
Currently, the market capitalization of, Inc. is $776.7 billion. Jeff Bezos stake in Amazon is about $125 billion.
As of October 29, 2018, Jeff Bezos owns 78,867,876 shares in Amazon. (Latest SEC fillings)
Amazon share price as on November 16, 2018, was $1,589.4.
The value Jeff Bezos stake in Amazon: 78,867,876*$1,589.4= $125.35 Billion
Amazon never pays dividends.
Liquid Cash
(From 2016 to 2018, Jeff Bezos sold Amazon shares worth of $3.4 Billion). Why does he need the salary and dividends from his job in Amazon?
Jeff Bezos sells a small portion of his shares to get some liquid cash. Sometimes, he donates shares to charitable organizations. Here is a historical view of his stake sale in Amazon.
Selling of Amazon shares
On October 29, 2018, Jeff Bezos sold almost 20,164 shares of Amazon which is valued at $33,000,936.04. ($33 Million).
In November 2017, he sold 1 million Amazon shares which were valued at $1,097,803,364.83 ($1 Billion).
In May 2017, he sold 1 million shares which were valued at $940,740,585.36 ($940 Million).
In August 2016, he sold 1 million shares which were valued at $756,737,650.46 ($756 Million).
In May 2016, he sold 1 million shares which were valued at $671,294,507.61 ($671 Million).
In between, he donated a small portion of his shares to various charities.
In September 2018, he announced the Bezos Day One Fund, a $2 billion pledge to help homeless families. (Future expenses, no outflow of money at the moment).
Bezos Family Foundation donates to various charities.
Other Facts:
He purchased The Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million through Nash Holdings, LLC.
Private Jets:
Gulfstream G650ER (N-271DV) valued at US$ 75 million; owned through Poplar Glen LLC.
Bezos owned a Dassault Falcon-900EX, which was sold in 2015.
Real estate:
- A lake house in Medina, Wash., is estimated to be worth $25 million.
- In Washington D.C., Bezos owns a 27,000-square-foot home that, with a purchase price of $23 million.
- He also owns a 2.03-acre property in Beverly Hills, Calif., worth about $25 million. And in Manhattan, Bezos' three linked apartments in The Century building on Central Park West are worth $17 million.
- He also owns a ranch in Texas. Bezos is the US’ 25th largest private landowner.
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